Third implementation period
Regional Networking activities
Participation to Intellectual Property Rights in Industrial Innovation Organised by Enterprise Europe Network Iasi branch 09.05.2018

Dr. Raluca Andone legal advisor SupraChem Lab project was invited to present her experience related to intellectual properties rights in European Projects – as learned from project implementation participated. The networking workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in Industrial Innovation was organised by Enterprise Europe Network Iasi branch at Iasi, Hotel Unirea and gathered representatives from academic and economic environment from NE Romanian Region and have been a very good opportunity to network and share experience.
Participation to Brokerage Event
Iasi, Romania
The ROHEALTH - Health And Bioeconomy Cluster aims to generates and sustains initiatives and activities related to health, improvement of health and bioeconomy. The cluster develops at national level competitiveness and innovation, promotes and encourages cooperation between companies, organizations, universities and public entities resulting in the growth of economic competitiveness in the fields of Health and Bio
On 07.06.2018 in Iasi, the Brokerage Event was organised by RoHealth-Cluster for Health and "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi, are waiting for you to jointly develop research projects with innovative ideas. On behalf of the SupraChem Lab, Dr. Dragos Pieptanariu and Dr. Lilia Clima have participate. The event succeeded, due to the active contribution of the participants, both to the presentation of project ideas and to bilateral meetings (more than 130) in which new connections were established and we hoped that they were useful for all participants.
Participation to Informative Session Regional Operational Program
Piatra Neamt, Romania
Dr Teodora Rusu and Dr. Mariana Pinteala participate to Information Session on the launch of Investment Priority 1.1, Operation A - Supporting innovation and technology transfer entities, from Structural Found Regional Programm 2014 – 2020 organised by the Agency for North-East Regional Development organizes, on August 21, 2018, at Piatra Neamt, the North-East ADR headquarters.
For this call for projects one can apply for funding promoters who have submitted letters of intent and which are included in the regional portfolio of "The Regional Framework Document for the Strategy for Research and Regional Innovation through NORD-EST Intelligent Specialization." – dr Rusu and dr Pinteala have participate in the selection of these project as members in the Regional Scientific Board
There will be financed investments that lead to the creation and development of the infrastructures of innovation and technological transfer, respectively: construction, extension and provision of necessary equipment and software; the acquisition of specific technological transfer services (other than those already offered or to be offered by the employees of the centers of innovation and technological transfer), the modernization and extension of the spaces of production or provision of services. In the North-East Region, the financial allocation available under this call for projects is 6,432,350 Euro.
Participation at joint meeting of the North-East Regional Innovation Consortium (CRI) and the Academic Advisory Commission (CCA )
Iasi, Romania,
The North-East Development Agency organised on 27.11.2018 the joint meeting of the North-East Regional Innovation Consortium (CRI) and the Academic Advisory Commission (CCA).
The agenda of the meeting included two events relevant for the current activities, respectively those foreseen for the following period, for the development of the regional innovation ecosystem:
Part I - The stage of the implementation of the projects within the Priority Axis 1 “Technology Transfer”, within the Regional Operational Program (ROP 2014-2020), with the participation of the representatives of the World Bank, in mission in the North-East Region. ( The current state of implementation of the projects ; Preparatory activities to provide technical assistance for the implementation of innovative projects in the areas of intelligent specialization in the North-East Region (initiative carried out through the DG REGIO project "RIS3 Support for Lagging Regions"))
Part II - Meeting of the Regional Stakeholder Group within the INTERREG TraCS3 Project - Promoting interregional collaboration and support in the field of innovation infrastructure in RIS3 priority areas, by improving regional innovation ecosystems. (The multiannual TRACS3 activity plan - actions planned for the North-East Region (including the next mapping and analysis action of the GAPs regarding the research-development and innovation infrastructure in the North-East Region; Synergies between TRACS3 and other projects carried out in the North-East Region in the field of RDI in S3 areas - presentation of the HESS Good Practices Manual (High Education and Smart Specialization - project of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (JRC)). At the meeting were present:
- 9 full members, 1 member with guest status and 5 alternate members of the Regional Innovation Consortium;
- 14 members of the Academic Advisory Committee incoulding Dr. Mariana Pinteala and Dr. Teodora Rusu reprezenting the SupraChem Lab Team
- A delegation from the World Bank: Andrea Dall'Olio (Lead Financial Sector Economist), Natasha Kapil (Program Leader for Finance Comppetitiveness and Innovation in EU Countries), Ma-dalina Pruna (Private Sector Specialist) and Jerzy Jakub Toborowicz (Expert);
- 3 representatives of North-East RDA: Ovidiu Savu (Expert, Foreign Cooperation Bureau), Lucian Sandu (RIS3 Management Bureau Head) and Agatha Filimon (Expert, B. RIS3 Management, CRI NE Technical Secretariat).
Participation to Round Table: Scientific research from the Romanian Academy - planning, opportunities and perspectives
Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch
Under the organisation of the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch a Round Table Seminar on Scientific research from the Romanian Academy - planning, opportunities and perspectives have been organised on 14.12.2018
In this framework, of the round tableit was discussed current issues regarding the management of scientific research in the Romanian Academy, focusing on the institutional features:
- Financing of excellence in scientific research from the Romanian Academy using tools of strategic management, the results of a study conducted by Meda Gâlea (Gavriluț) on the internal strategic management of the Romanian Academy
- The strategic program of the Office of the Presidium of the Romanian Academy for the period 2018 - 2022, presented by Acad. Bogdan C. Simionescu, Vice-President of the Romanian Academy
The event was attended by: Acad. Viorel Barbu, President of the Iași Branch of the Romanian Academy, researchers involved in the study on the institutional strategic management of the Romanian Academy and Iasi Universities (Al. I Cuza University, Gh. Asachi Techinical University and Gr. Popa Medical University). On behalf of the SupraChem lab Team the partipants were Dr. Mariana Pinteala SuppraChem Lab Coordinator, Prof. Marc J. Abadie SupraChem Lab ERA Chair and Dr. Teodora Rusu SupraChem lab Project Manager.
Participation to the Stimulating and Supporting the Exploitation of the Regional Potential Event
Piatra Neamt, Romania
North-East ADR hosted the celebration event „Stimulating and Supporting the Exploitation of the Regional Potential” „with over 200 regional and national partners and collaborators from local public administration, academia and private sector, including a team of DG Regio from the European Commission led by Mr. Carsten Rasmussen, Head of the Unit for Romania.
North-East ADR is a non-governmental organization of public utility, with legal personality, which contributes to the reduction of regional disparities by stimulating the economic, social and cultural development of the North-East Region. All the measures taken by this organization converge towards increasing the prosperity level of the Region and increasing the quality of life among the inhabitants.
The activities carried out today by the North-East Regional Development Agency are: regional planning and programming, implementation of European-funded programs, facilitating strategic partnerships and external cooperation, development and operationalization of the regional strategy for smart specialization, innovation management and internationalization, business development regional entrepreneurial ecosystem, attracting private investments, vocational training and European information. Dr. Teodora Rusu and Dr. Mariana Pinteala, who are also mmembers of the Scientific Commite of the NE-ADR have participate to the meeting on behalf of SupraChem Lab Team
Participation to the Second Healthcare brokerage Event
Iasi, Romania
18.04. 2019
RoHealth-Health Cluster, together with IMAGO-MOL Innovative Regional Molecular and Structural Imagery Regional Cluster and BIORONE-Biotechnology Cluster, the organizers of this event, invited representatives of companies, universities and patient associations in Romania and abroad, to meet potential project partners, in order to build consortia for projects of common interest.
During the event the participants benefited from sessions specific to the brokerage activity:
- Sessions of project presentations, research organizations and companies in which the latest health news, success stories of the members of the organizations, funding sources as well as other support measures for the participating organizations will be presented;
- Sessions of bilateral meetings that offer the possibility of new collaborations and beneficial partnerships;
During the brokerage several important aspects have been targeted:
- Support the participants to find out about the latest opportunities in the field of Health and Bioeconomy – project idea can be transformed into a real product
- Access to information dedicated to the field about funding sources as well as other support measures for the participating organizations;
- Access to first and foremost to the success story makers, supported in their way by the organizations present at the event
- Network to the representatives of the organizations of interest for spevific projects;
- Facilitating / creating partnerships in the field of Health and Bio-economics
On behalf of the SuraChem Lab Team Dr. Dragos Pieptanariu, Dr. Adina Coroaba and Dr. Cristina Uratu have participated
Participation to Focus Group organised by North-East Development Agency,
Iasi, Romania

Dr. Mariana Pinteala and Dr. Teodora Rusu have been invited as representants of the SupraChem Lab project at a consultation event, group discussion type Focus Group organised by North-East Development Agency
The target of the consultation was: Evaluation of the added value of the processes developed by the ROP in promoting the technological transfer at regional level
Through this group discussion, facilitated by the evaluation experts, the NE-ADR aimed to find out what is in stockholders opinion the ROP's contribution to the smart specialization process at regional level.
The focus group supported the NE-ADR in conducting the independent evaluation exercise, taking into account stockholders participation in the entrepreneurial discovery process to identify the areas of intelligent specialization in the North East region that are the basis for the preparation of the Regional Strategy for Intelligent Specialization (RIS3) for the region Northeast development.
The expert team that facilitated the FG proposed a two-step approach:
- Group discussion based on a protocol of questions / topics of interest in the evaluation exercise
- Conduct a brief SWOT analysis of the entrepreneurial discovery process carried out in accordance with the EC Methodology and in which you participated.
The event was very helpful for the NE-ADR but also represented a very good opportunity for different stockholders interested in innovation from the NE Romania Region to network
Participation to Workshop: New opportunities for collaboration between actors of the regional innovation ecosystems. Fostering regional capacities and territorial development
Iasi, Romania 25.06 2019

The workshop intends to be a highly practical workshop, and it is aimed at providing discussion between the ESIF/OPs Managing Authorities (MAs), RIS3 implementing bodies, EIT-KIC partners and Widening stakeholders, from the widening countries/regions. The workshop is a side events to the 10th edition of Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE X) conference that was held by the North-East Regional Development Agency (Romania) on 26-28 June 2019 in the city of IASI.
For accelerating innovation and openness, Europe aims at providing appropriate regulatory and institutional frames. This is an important ‘bet’ for Europe in relation to the future. Intelligent regulation can spur technological developments into sustainable directions and give competitive advantages. Appropriate institutional frames need to be timely and flexible, and to steer efforts in the right direction. An open system for science and innovation across Europe makes it possible that all actors can become active in that system. The main way to attain this objective is by developing an extensive network of collaborating organisations at different dimensions and levels joining efforts and alignment with key players that will add value the work and allow to maximise the impact and efficiency. As a representative case of alignment, the objective of the EIT RIS is to contribute to boosting innovation in European countries and regions that belong to the groups of ‘modest and moderate’ innovators (according to the European Innovation Scoreboard). This is also the ambition of Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation under Horizon 2020: with Teaming, Twinning and ERAChairs, the programme promotes cooperation between more and less advanced European countries and boosts innovation in the whole EU. The SEWP package aims as well at mobilizing national/ regional contribution to enable the sustainability of the Centres of Excellence. On the other hand, JRC, DG REGIO and the national and regional ESIF Managing Authorities (MAs) and bodies responsible for RIS3 implementation work with common stakeholders from across the quadruple helix.
Prof. Marc Abadie, Dr. Mariana Pinteala and Dr. Teodora Rusu participate on behalf of the SupraChem Lab project.
Participation to Networking Event “Made in Moldavia”/ “Fabricat in Moldova”
Iasi, Romania
20 – 22.09.2019
Dr. Sanda Bucatariu, Dr. Adrian Fifere and Drd Lacramioara Lungoci participate to the networking conference “Made in Moldavia”, conference that bring together entrepreneurs and academic from the Republic of Moldavia and from the NE Romanian region in order to develop collaboration tools.
The Conference was organised by Enterprise Europe Network with the support of TEHNOPOLIS the Research and Technologic Transfer Centre Iasi. The concept of the event aims to unify the forces of the representatives of the public administration, the business and academic community and the public organizations in order to support the manufacture of local products, to highlight their level of competitiveness and to increase the consumption demand of national products.
Over the years "Made in Moldova" has become a platform for creating favourable conditions for supporting the local producer. The event is attended by economic agents and academic representants from different fields of activity and regions of the country, as well as the business community from abroad. As in previous editions, the exhibition hosts also an extensive business program in which topics of great news for both consumers and producers are addressed. To this end, various competitions, round tables, company and product presentations, seminars, conferences on topics of interest in the sphere of commercial-economic cooperation have been organised organized.
Participation in The 3th IMAGO-MOL Cluster Seminar on Project Generation
Iasi, Romania
The event was organized in the Conference Room of the UMF "GRIGORE T. POPA" IN IASI.
The IMAGO-MOL Cluster organized the third seminar of project generation as event that is part of the events calendar of the project "Increasing the excellence of the IMAGO-MOL Cluster by developing the strategic planning documents CDI" (CEX - IMAGE).
The event, facilitated by Mr. Daniel Cosnita, started with a presentation of the importance of developing clusters, the role of members and specific advantages, of the value chain, examples of good practice. Daniel Cosnita, INNOCONSULT manager and President of the Romanian Cluster Association, engineer and economist, has been working for 10 years in the field of technological transfer and innovation, also specializing in the implementation of regional economic development tools: the Business Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Timisoara.
The second part of the seminar included a review of the main sources of funding available, after which the participants developed project sheets to prepare proposals for ongoing or future calls (POC Cluster Clusters, Horizon 2020 and EEA Grants) and presented to the colleagues the results of the team work.
The project sheets developed during the 3 project generation seminars are part of the Implementation Plan of the Strategic Agenda in the field of health of the IMAGO-MOL Cluster.
On behalf of the SupraChem Lab team the participants were: Dr. Adina Coroaba, Dr. Lilia Clima and Dr. Radu Rusu
Participation to Celebration Even 70th anniversary of P. Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
Iasi, Romania
The Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry "Petru Pon" will celebrate, on November 6 a.c., starting with 11.00, the anniversary of 70 years of activity of the Institute. On this occasion it was also inaugurated the laboratories of synthesis and characterization newly established / modernized by implementing the project "Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry" Petru Poni "Interdisciplinary pole of intelligent specialization through research-innovation and technological transfer in bio (nano) polymeric and (eco) materials ) technologies "(InoMatPol), project co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program Competitiveness 2014-2020. The total value of the project is 14 MEuro.
At the institute invited guests from Bucharest - mainly from research funding institutions - and from Iasi, prestigious guests have participated and visit the institute and the newly built / modernized buildings in recent years.
The whole SupraChem lab Team participate in the event and Dr Mariana Pinteala , Dr. Funduean Gheorghe, Dr. Luminita Marin and Dr. Radu Rusu also participated in a TV interview during the event.
Participation to Regional Conference
"Intelligent Specialization in the North-East Region"
Iasi, Romania
North-East Regional Development Agency organised on December 12, 2019, the Regional Conference "Intelligent Specialization in the North-East Region".
The event was dedicated to the analysis of the current stage of implementation of the Intelligent Specialization Strategy of the North-East Region (RIS3 North-East) and to discuss the opportunities and challenges encountered during its validation and operationalization. Particular attention was paid to establishing the steps to be taken in order to optimize the regional framework for programming and implementation of Priority Axis 1 "Promoting technology transfer" within the Regional Operational Program, for both 2014-2020 and 2021-2027.
The representatives of the World Bank have also attended the meeting, presenting the action plan and the partial results of the technical assistance program in the region, in support of the technology transfer.
The first part of the conference concluded with an intervention by the World Bank experts on the topic of intellectual property in the context of capitalizing on the research results.
In the second part of the meeting an interactive workshop was organized, in which networking to discover together how collaboration can improve the process of entrepreneurial discovery, in order to permanently update the priority niches of intervention and to generate innovative projects in the region.
On behalf of the SupraChem Lab team Dr. Mariana Pinteala and Dr. Teodora Rusu have participated to the conference.
National Networking activities
Networking visit to Centre of Excellence in Polymer Processing
ReForm-UDJG, Multidisciplinary Research Platform, “Dunarea de Jos” University Galati, 22 January 2018
Prof. Marc J. Abadie, SupraChem Lab ERA Chair together with Acad. Bogdan C. Simionescu Vice-President of the Romanian Academy and member in the SupraChem Lab IAB have participate to a networking visit to Centre of Excellence in Polymer Processing Engineering Faculty, “Dunarea de Jos” University Galati. The goal of the meeting was the networking between the SuparChem Lab team and the Macromolecular Chair from the Technical University Gh. Asachi Iasi with the Centre of Excellence in Polymer Processing. Prof Abadie made a presentation of the SupraChem Lab Group and of the group results in the field of New applications of nanocomposites/Composites vs. NanoComposites – New Trends and their Respective Interests. Prof. Fetecau Catalin as well as his team (Dr. Felicia Stan Dr. Alexandru Şerban) were impressed by the results of his colleagues from Iasi and with the opportunity to collaborate with them. The meeting was very successful and a strong collaboration network with well-defined topics have been put in place including the organisation of SYLLABUS I Summer School 2018 for SYLLABUS II Spring School 2019 on the topic of Polymers vs. Composites: Basics, Mechanical Properties,Rheology and Processing and the Polymer Processing in Engineering (PPE) Conference - October 2019
Networking visit to Romanian Ministry for Research and Innovation
Bucharest, 23 January 2018
On 23.01.2019 Dr. Mariana Pinteala SuprChem Lab Coordinator and Dr. Teodora Rusu SupraChem Lab Manager joined in Bucharest Romania Prof. Marc J. Abadie, SupraChem Lab ERA Chair together with Acad. Bogdan C. Simionescu Vice-President of the Romanian Academy and member in the SupraChem Lab IAB (both coming from networking meeting at “Dunarea de Jos” Galati, Romania). All this team made a working visit to Romanian Ministry for Research and Innovation (MRI) in order to discuss with the responsible from the ministry the SupraChem Lab Infra – infrastructure project that should complement the SupraChem Lab ERA Chair by synergy with Romanian Structural funds by setting up a dedicate infrastructure to host the SupraChem Lab team (4 MEuro project). The project was submitted in April 2017but no feedback related to the project was received.
The team representing the SupraChem Lab Group had fruitful discussions with General Director of the Structural Funds Unit within MRI Sanda Hilgen and expert and responsible with project evaluation and contract Viorel Ioanes. Finally, the team also was received by the Ministry of Research and Innovation Prof. Lucian Georgescu. The representants of the MRI show a real interest in the implementation of the SupraChem Lab project and underline their commitment to support the development of the new team. Concerning the evaluation process related to the infrastructure project they informed the team that there is a delay in the evaluation process that was just going to be solved this issue and that in two months the team should have the result concerning the new project. Unfortunately up to the moment when this deliverable was put in place (December 2019) no official news concerning the evaluation of the SupraChem Lab Infra.
Participation to Special Academic Sesion
Romanian Academy, Bucuresti
A special honours Academic Session was organised on 26.03.2018 to celebrate 70 years of Acad. Bogdan C. Simionescu Vice-President of the Romanian Academy and member in the SupraChem Lab IAB. Due to the important contribution and support Acad Simionescu is bringing to the group several members of the SupraChem Lab Team have participate to this important meeting: Dr. Mariana Pinteala SupraChem Lab Coordinator, Dr. Teodora Rusu SupraChem lab manager, team members: Dr. Dan Rusu, Dr. Adrian Fifere, Dr. Dascalu Andrei, Dr. Rotaru Alexandru, Dr. Coroaba Adina, Dr. Bejan Andrei.
The program of the session included hight level Romanian personalities: Academicians: Maria Zaharescu, Cristian Hera, Marius Andruh, Eugen Simion, Razvan Teodorescu; the former Ministry of Education Prof Ecaterina Andronescu, Dumitru Prunariu onorific President of the Romanian Office for Science and Technology. The meeting besid the celebration of Acad Simionescu was a perfect opportunity to promote the SupraChem Lab Group and to network with colleagues from different institute and universities from Bucharest.

Participation to D-STIR - PROJECT Mid-Term Phase Event, Study Visit and Transnational Meeting in Bucharest, Romania
Dr. Teodora Rusu, member in the Support Committee of the D-STIR – project (Implementing Social, Environmental And Ethical Steps Towards Responsible Research And Innovation) have participat on 28-03-2018 to the Mid-Term Phase Event, Study Visit and Transnational Meeting in Bucharest, Romania. D-STIR Projects' consortium gathered for First Mid-Term Phase Event, and one of the objective was to take advantage of RRI benefits “for, with and by society, ethics and environment” to improve Danube conditions for innovations. From first year Project has upgraded its pace towards
Pilot actions in academic and business environment to test STIR method and with this contribute to RRI Strategy in Danube region. The event that was hosted by Romanian Partner Horia Hulubei National Institute for Research and Development in Physics and Nuclear Engineering. Host partner organised Mid-Term Event that included local target groups from media, academia, researchers, entrepreneurs and people working in the field of innovation. With this D-STIR Project got the opportunity to get linked with target audience, to get an in-depth overview of the Project and to address topic of innovations in business and academia, it's challenges and future technologies in the world. It was a great honour to host Dragos Seuleanu, CEO of MHTC - Magurele High Tech Cluster, who addressed a business perspective on responsible research. Second part – Study visit in academic environment was based on visiting major research infrastructure in nuclear and laser physics in Romania ELI-NP, which presents research history in the making. It was a great honour to listen to the speaker Andrei Dorobantu - Science Communicator, who emphasized the responsibility of researchers to the people. With this he emphasized the importance of being proactive, to maintain bilateral relations between public institutions and researchers, the importance of inclusion and responsiveness in RRI.
Participation to D-STIR - First Application of Socio-Technical Integration Research
Magurele, Bucharest, Romania
Innovative SMEs and research institutions from 8 European countries participated in testing a method that was created in the USA but adapted to the special innovation characteristics of the Danube region. STIR method is a method that helps Research and Innovation actors to take steps towards responsible research and innovation (RRI) implementation. There are several methods with which the academic researchers try to increase the consciousness of the scientist during their research activities (real time management, living labs, forums, etc.). STIR is for sure one of them as social and technical integration during Research, Development and Innovation activities need more attention. As such, future results of D-STIR project (Danube Framework for Responsible Research and Innovation using Socio-Technical Integrating) will present valuable information for Danube region and Europe as a whole. D-STIR project is geographically spread and includes 8 countries from Danube region that represent the varied levels of development and innovation maturity. It also represents a variety of innovation players. This is one of the main project’s added values to Danube region.
On behalf of the SupraChem Lab Team, Dr. Adina Coroaba have participete to the meeting and hade the oportunity to widely acknowledged that responsible management of the innovation supply and demand chain requires interregional input.

Participation to The Conference on Nuclear Medicine
Magurele, Bucharest, Romania
4 - 5.09.2018
The Conference on Nuclear Medicine was held on September 4-5, 2018, at the Conference Center of Extreme Light Infrastructure Nuclear Physics - ELI-NP and at the National Physics Library in Măgurele, Ilfov County. The organizers of the event propose the following: • presentation of the research strategy of the Horia Hulubei Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering, IFN HH - ELI-NP in the field of nuclear medicine; • knowing the expectations of the specialists in this medical field and of the medical industry; • outlining a model for capitalizing on the results of advanced research from IFIN HH - ELI-NP in the Romanian medical system; • establishing partnerships between IFIN HH - ELI-NP - Magurele High Tech Cluster MHTC and universities, health units, innovative companies for the development of joint research projects - innovation in the field of nuclear medicine; • identifying ways to develop public and private medical entities that will attract patients from the country and abroad for medical investigations and treatments in Măgurele. The target persons invited to participate in the event: hospital managers, medical directors, oncologists, nuclear medicine doctors and radiotherapists as well as businesspeople interested in the medical field. On behalf of the SupraChem Lab Dr. Adina Coroaba and Dr. Cristina Uratu have participate to the meeting
Participation to SYLLABUS I Summer School: Polymers vs. Composites: Basics, Mechanical Properties, Rheology and Processing
Centre of Excellence in Polymer Processing
Engineering Faculty, “Dunarea de Jos” University Galati, 11-14 September 2018
The purpose of this Summer School was to introduce to the students the principal definitions of organic polymers and composites, their respective properties, rheology and processing as well. It also to provide fundamental knowledge of different new materials developed and their application in the design and the use for automotive, marine and aircraft manufacturing. The topic was devided in two party SYLLABUS I organised in 2018 and SYLLABUS II to be organised early 2019 as Spring School. Also, the course offered to the students the ability to engineer properties combining the design of the composites to fullfil the properties of the materials required and to interact with the trainers from Iasi: Prof. March J. Abadie SupraChem Lab ERA Chair, Acad. Bogdan Simionescu, Prof. Ibanescu Constanta. Also the presence of Dr. Marius Lungu from Renault Romania was a great opportunity for students to learn applications of the composites systems in the real life and also for Prof Marc Abadie to extend the collaboration network of the SuparChem Lab team towards industrial partners.
Participation to The Conference Days of Nuclear Medicine
Iasi, Romania
01 - 04.11.2018
The event was organized by Romanian Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging - SRMNIM, in collaboration with U.M.F. "Grigore T. Popa" Iași, IMAGO-MOL- The Innovative Regional Cluster of Structural and Molecular Imaging and the Society of Physicians and Naturalists of Iași. The event with national and international participation include:
- A postgraduate course: News in teragnostic nuclear imaging;
- Clinical case sessions: Nuclear Imaging versus Unclear Imaging;
- A Radiation Protection Symposium
The event emphasizes the training activities of young professionals in nuclear medicine and related specialties, in the field of radiotransactors and SPECT / PET / CT / MRI techniques, defining the concept of Theragnostics for personalized and precision medicine. The activities were managed by personalities in the field coming from different institutions both in Romania and throughout Europe. The target audience included doctors, medical physicists, technologists, students and other health professionals. Focusing on training young specialists, "Days of Nuclear Medicine - IAII 2018", aimed to create the opportunity to initiate discussions on the progress of nuclear medicine in motivational meetings, in which all participants have the chance to share ideas and discuss. The event included scientific exhibitions to present the latest generation products of the top companies in the field. Given the rapid progress of nuclear imaging in recent years, decisive for both diagnosis and treatment, especially in oncology, it is considered these meetings essential and decisive for the development of Nuclear Medicine in Romania, with major impact on the entire medical field in our country. On behalf of the SupraChem Lab Team, Dr. Maiana Pinteala presented a conference: Nanoparticles in Theragnostic Approaches: Synthesis, Characterisation and Utilisation. Several other members of the SupraChem lab Team also participate in the networking activities of the conference: Dr. Mihaela Silion, Dr. Adina Coroaba, Dr. Lilia Clima, Dr. Dragos Peptanariu, Dr. Sanda Bucatariu, Dr. Olaru Anda.
Participation to 17th edition of the NATIONAL NANOSTIENCE and NANOTEHNOLOGY SEMINAR (SNN2018), Bucharest Romania
The 17th edition of the NATIONAL NANOSTIENCE and NANOTEHNOLOGY SEMINAR was organized by the Romanian Academy in partnership with INCD-Microtehnologie- IMT Bucharest. This conference provided a wonderful opportunity to enhance knowledge about the newest interdisciplinary approaches in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Moreover, the conference offered a valuable platform to create new contacts in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, by providing valuable networking time to meet great personnel in the field. The main conferene topcs: Synthesis and Characterization Techniques of Nanomaterials; Nano devices, Nano electronics and Nano sensors; Organic and Inorganic Nano materials; Biomaterials and Nano biotechnology; Nanotechnology in Structural Biology; Nanomedicine, Nano Drug Delivery Systems and Biopharmaceuticals Dr. Mariana Pinteala and Dr. Teodora Rusu presented the development of the SupraChem lab Project within the Wokshop: European cooperation in nanotechnology: "SupraChem Lab - First Horizon 2020 Romanian ERA Chair project. PPIMC impact and developments"
Participation to the workshop for the elaboration of the roadmap associated with the intelligent specialization in the agri-food field
Bucharest, Romania
12.0. 2019
The Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI) organised a workshop for the elaboration of the road map associated with the intelligent specialization in the field of agri-food. The intelligent specialization is a concept that puts research and innovation at the service of increasing economic competitiveness. It involves the concentration of financial resources and other support mechanisms in a limited number of priority areas. These areas, through the comparative advantages (current or potential) they present, can advantageously place a region (or a country) in the global value chains. The workshop aimed to calibrate the objectives and expectations of the future regarding the intelligent specialization. More precisely, the perspective of previous experience, what types of regional and cross-regional thematic focus are relevant to the interests of actors in the regions and, further, what possible instruments, at regional and national level, would be necessary to support these dynamics. The workshop was bade on the experience gained within the SIPOCA 27 * project, UEFISCDI implemented an entrepreneurial discovery mechanism in each of the eight development regions of Romania, which consisted of:
- analysis of the dynamics of regional innovation ecosystems - which areas have potential for specialization of intelligence in each of the regions? What contribution do they have to the regional economy? What are the outstanding performances in the field? Who is part of the relevant ecosystem? What is the European / global dynamic of the field?
- regional workshops on entrepreneurial discovery in areas with potential for intelligent specialization, according to the reports mentioned above, among which the agri-food and bio-technologies fields - which are the niches that can increase the field's competitiveness? What are the low-level premises of the region in advancing the field - human resources, infrastructures, existing technologies, natural resources?
Dr. Teodora Rusu who also participate in the regionl wokshop has represented the SupraChem lab team at this workshop.
Participation to SYLLABUS II: Spring School: Polymers vs. Composites: Basics, Mechanical Properties,Rheology and Processing
Centre of Excellence in Polymer Processing
Engineering Faculty, “Dunarea de Jos” University Galati, 9-12 April 2019
Continuation of SYLLABUS I Summer School organised in September 2018, the purpose of SYLLABUS II was to introduce to the students the principal definitions of organic polymers and composites, their respective properties, rheology and processing as well. The course offered to the students the ability to engineer properties combining the design of the composites to fullfil the properties of the materials required and to interact with the trainers from Iasi: Prof. March J. Abadie SupraChem Lab ERA Chair, Acad. Bogdan Simionescu, Prof. Ibanescu Constanta.
On completion of this course, the students were be able to: understand the main difference between thermoplastics, thermosets and elastomers; understand basic definition, properties and difference between polymers and composites; understand important relationships between structure and properties of polymers and composites; understand the advantages and limitations of both type of materials; have a better understanding and approach of polymer and composite
Participation to “Nuclear Medicine Days – Sinaia 2019”
Sinaia, Romania
07 - 09 .06.2019
Dr. Adina Coroaba have attended the “Nuclear Medicine Days – Sinaia 2019”, 7-9 June 2019. The event was organized by Romanian Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging – SRMNIM in collaboration with IMAGO-MOL Cluster. The event, which represents the annual meeting of practitioners in the field of nuclear imaging, continues to focus on the training activities of young professionals in the field of radiotelephone and SPECT / PET / CT / MRI techniques, taking place from the perspective of the concept of Best practices in the Nuclear Medicine Laboratory in relation to True Positive vs. False Positive in Nuclear Imaging.
The conference included several sections:
- A pre-conference course: Good Practice in the Nuclear Medicine Laboratory;
- 5th National Conference on Nuclear Medicine: True Positive vs. False Positive in Nuclear Imaging;
- Clinical Cases Session.
- Working group meeting – National Center of Nuclear Medicine
Dr. Adina Coroba on behalf of the SupraChem Lab Team is representant in Working group National Center of Nuclear Medicinewhere “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi as a co-founder of this National Centre.
Bucharest, Romania,
12 - 14.06. 2019
Dr. Mariana Pinteala was invited to present the SupraChem Lab Team activity to the EuroNanoForum 2019 (NANOTECHNOLOGY AND ADVANCED MATERIALS PROGRESS UNDER HORIZON2020 AND BEYOND) event under the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union that standed as the most significant European forum that brings together scientists, industrialists and policy makers.
The event was open to approx. 1000 participants from Europe and across the globe and offered opportunities for discussions on cross-sectorial challenges focusing on both the industrial application of research results and future strategic research priorities in the area of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials of the Horizon 2020 NMBP Programme and beyond.
The conference was open to the scientific community, representatives from industry, research and innovation, and policy makers and offered excellent opportunities to debate on cutting edge research and successful industrial implementations in the field
Participation to Innovative Enterprise Week 2019, Bucharest, Romania
19 – 21.06.2019
Dr. Teodora Rusu and Prof Marc Abadie participate on behalf of the SupraChem Lab Team to Innovative Enterprise Week 2019 (IEW) organised in Bucharest under the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Over the course of three days - 19, 20 and 21st of June 2019 – the Conference focused on topics and challenges for the next EU Research and Innovation Programme (2021-2027) – Horizon Europe as well as on the European Innovation Council, a very powerful instrument foreseen to strongly support European “breakthrough innovators". EIC Pathfinder: From breakthrough technologies to disruptive innovations IMAGINE THE TECHNOLOGIES OF THE FUTURE 19 June 2019 –Workshop focusing the launch of the enhanced European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot in 2019 will have Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) as an integral part and it will pave the way for the science-technology-innovation triple helix in the new European research and innovation programme, Horizon Europe.
Conference “The EIC Accelerator: Nurturing European Champions of breakthrough innovation”, 20 June 2019 - addressing one of the two instruments of the EIC along with the Pathfinder, the Accelerator is a blended finance model which builds on the SME Instrument Phase II. Conference “Financial Instruments: the mainstream of European funding of innovation” 20 June 2019 - presenting financial instruments that have a long history is some European countries’ investment support schemes through their National Promotional Banks and Institution, and they have come to play an important role in the EU budget as well.
Participation to EU-OPENSCREEN WIDESPREAD Workshop
Bucharest, Romania
The EU-OPENSCREEN WIDESPREAD Workshop was organised in Bucharest by the Computational Chemistry Department Institute of Chemistry of Romanian Academy at the headquarter of the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy.
EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC (EU-OS) is a non-profit research infrastructure, which operates on a global scale. We are funded by European countries (currently Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Spain with Germany as host country) and offer access to academic high-throughput screening facilities and medicinal chemistry groups in these countries. Scientists from academia and industry can implement their screening projects at EU-OS partner laboratories using our European Chemical Biology Library (ECBL), which is composed of 100.000 commercial compounds plus a growing number of compounds collected from academic chemistry groups. Hit optimisation can be done at our medicinal chemistry sites. EU-OPENSCREEN offers open-access to a network of partner sites throughout Europe who work in Chemical Biology and early Drug Discovery. As a research infrastructure, EU-OPENSCREEN collaborates with international scientists from academia and industry to facilitate research in early Drug Discovery. EU-OPENSCREEN integrates high-capacity screening platforms throughout Europe, which jointly use a rationally selected compound collection, comprising up to 140.000 commercial and proprietary compounds collected from European chemists. EU-OPENSCREEN offers to researchers from academic institutions, SME's and industrial organisations open access to its shared resources.
EU-OPENSCREEN will collaboratively develop novel molecular tool compounds with external users from various disciplines of the life sciences.
Dr. Andrei Neamtu and Drd Tudor Vasiliu on behalf of the SupraChem Lab team participate in the EU-OPENSCREEN WIDESPREAD Workshop
Participation to Polymer Processing in Engineering (PPE) Conference
Organised by: Multidisciplinary Research Platform, „Dunarea de Jos” University,
05 - 12.10.2019
Polymer Processing in Engineering (PPE) Conference, aims to gather academic researchers and industrial partners involved in the field of polymers. PPE 2019 Conference was organised in Galati, Romania, October 7-9, 2019, under the auspices of Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania - ASTR and Academic Association of Manufacturing Engineering - AUIF.
The PPE 2019 conference have covered all of the important areas in the field, from state-of-the-art research and development to characterization, fabrication, technology development, numerical modeling and many new and emerging applications of polymeric materials.
The PPE 2019 conference program has ncluded keynote and technical presentations, an exhibition of industry partners, lab tours, an awards banquet, luncheons and more.
Prof. Marc J. Abadie was member in the Chair of the Scaientific Commite of the meeting and have also presented a conference on the Photosensitive Formulation for Additive Manufacturing - 3D Printing Speaker and a presentation of the SupraChem lab Group 
Participation to Celebration Even 70th anniversary of P. Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
Bucharest, Romania
The Romanian Academy organised on 16.10.2019 at it headquarter a Celebration Event dedicated to the anniversary of 70 years of function of the P. Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (ICMPP), Iasi. ICMPP is a institute of excellence of the Romanian Academy and it was always ranked on the firs/second position between the 60 institutes of the Romanian academy.
Important personalities have participated in the event and just a short overview of the key speakers:
- Acad. Ioan-Aurel POP President of the Romanian Academy;
- Acad. Maya SIMIONESCU President of the Department of Biological Sciences, Director of the Institute of Cell Biology and Pathology “Nicolae Simionescu”
- Acad. Ion TIGHINEANU President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
- Dr. Anton AIRINEI Director of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry "Petru Poni"
- Dr. Marcela MIHAI Scientific Secretary, “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
- Dr. Mariana PINTEALĂ Head of Laboratory, Center for Advanced Research for Bionanoconjugates and biopolymers (IntelCentru), Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry "Petru Poni"
- Prof. Aatto LAAKSONEN University of Stockholm & IntelCentre, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry "Petru Poni"
- Acad. Bogdan C. SIMIONESCU Vice-President of the Romanian Academy
The SupraChem lab Group was represented to the event by Dr. Mariana Pinteala, Dr. Teodora Rusu and Dr. Luminita Marin
Participation to The First General Assembly to establish the National Association for Nuclear Medicine
Magurele, Bucharest, Romania
12 .11.2019
Dr. Adina Coroabă, represented the SupraChem Lab Team and P. Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry at the Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Sala ELI-NP, Măgurele, Bucharest, on 12.11.2019 for the first General Assembly to establish the National Association for Nuclear Medicine.
The agenda of the General Assembly was: 1. Validation of the project "STATUTES" and the project "CONSTITUTIVE ACT"; 2. Election of the Steering Committee, respectively Chairman and 4 (four) vice-chairmen; 3. Establishing the headquarters; 4. Establishing the annual contribution amount; 5. Presentation of the following stages of legalization of the Association - Ciprian Portnoi Law Office; 6. Opinions, intentions of collaboration of specialists - Representatives Romanian Society of Nuclear Medicine - Dr. Raluca Mititelu, representatives oncological, endocrinological, cardiovascular etc ; 7. Collaboration opportunities for RF research and production at IFIN-HH-ELI-NP - Academician Nicolae Victor Zamfir; 8. Quality in the health system / Procedures based on RF - presentation Secretary of State Dr. Vasile Cepoi - President of ANMCS.
The founding members of the Association are: National Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering - "Horia Hulubei" (IFIN-HH), Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP), Romanian Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SRMNIM), Romanian Society of Endocrinology (SRE), National Society of Medical Oncology of Romania (SNOMR), Oncological Institute „Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu ”, Romanian Financial Consulting Group, Sf. Nectarie Oncology Center S.R.L. Craiova, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa" Iasi, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila" of Bucharest, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry "Petru Poni", National Institute of Endocrinology "C.I. Parhon ”Bucharest, Foundation of Clinical and Experimental Research Cardio-vascular Iași.
International Networking activities
Participation to Group Reunion, Centre for DNA Nanotechnology
Aarhus University, Denmark
Dr. Alexandru Rotaru, Team leader of Subprogram 3 of the SuprChem lab Group participate to a reunion at Aarhu Suniversity. The purpose of this visit to Aarhus University (Denmark) was participating in Group Reunion event dedicated to 10 years anniversary of the Centre for DNA Nanotechnology (CDNA) within the Aarhus University, organized on May 4th, 2018. Center for DNA Nanotechnology (CDNA) was founded in 2007 as a center of excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation (Danmarks Grundforskningsfond). The center was based at the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) at Aarhus University, Denmark, with three American collaborators at North Carolina State University - Raleigh, Arizona State University and Harvard University. The purpose of the center was to conduct basic research within the field of DNA Nanotechnology and they gathered an interdisciplinary team of around 35 researchers and students from chemistry, physics and molecular biology. Examples on the research contributions from CDNA were self-assembly of a DNA-origami box with a controllable lid (Nature 2009), single-molecule chemical reactions on DNA origami (Nature Nanotechnology 2010), DNA-templated protein conjugation including antibodies (Nature Chemistry 2014) and self-assembly nanostructures from in vitro transcriped RNA (Science 2014).
Current and former members of CDNA had gathered to share their research topics from the current positions, and to establish and/or refresh scientific collaborations. Presentations from colleagues in industrial sectors and academic positions have been reported. Fruitful discussions regarding applicative industrial research and comparison to the academia fundamental research have been carried out. The strong impact of the CDNA experience of each member to its scientific career was also mentioned. In the final part of the meeting, a new Group Reunion has been planned for 2028 to share the long term scientific achievements of the CDNA alumini. Dr. Rotaru presented his achievements in the field of Dynameric networks and gels for delivery, cell recognition and cell growing and the SupraChem Lab Team.
Participation to IGLO ERA-in-Action Workshop
Brussels, Belgium
Dr. Teodora Rusu, SupraChem Lab Project Manager was invited to participate to the IGLO ERA-in-action workshops that aimed to provide a platform to discuss concrete issues related to the implementation of and developments around Horizon 2020. The target group have been experts from the constituencies of individual IGLO offices who have practical experience with the implementation of Horizon 2020 proposals and projects. The event brought together delegates from many countries which participate in the IGLO Network (including Associated Countries), who also represented different sectors (academia and industry). The introduction was followed by a discussion among the participants who were asked to respond to three different questions:
- What do you like about Horizon 2020 and what would you like to stay?
- What is currently not working and what needs to change?
- What is your wish list / what are your big ideas for Horizon Europe?
Participation to Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Düsseldorf, Germany
13 – 17.10.2018
The Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine is a unique forum that convenes every 12 months and gathers the leaders in the world of innovative cancer therapy development, including medical researchers, pharmaceutical industry representatives, regulatory authority representatives and patient advocacy groups. This multi-stakeholder, interactive meeting offers plenary lectures with moderated discussions, including case studies and networking opportunities. The programme focuses on the latest and future challenges of Innovative oncology drug development with a special emphasis on rational combination therapies, tumor agnostic drug development, cell therapy, and the revision of EMA Anti-cancer Guideline. On behalf of the SupraChem Lab group Dr. Cristina Uratu have participate and prezented a a conference on „Design and Synthesis of Polymer Coated Gold Nanoparticles, AuPEI-Glc-99mTc , for Targeted in vivo Imaging” C. M. Uritu, B. I. Tamba, G. Dodi, M. Pinteala, V. Ghizdovat, M. M. Gutu, C. Stefanescu. The meeting was a verfy good oportunity to network with high personalities from Europe and not only.
Networking visit to Romanian Office for Science and Technologies
Brussels, Belgium
07 - 09.10.2018
Dr Teodora Rusu has participate in October 2018 to several networking meetings at the Romanian Office for Science and Technology (ROST) in Brussels. The Romanian Office for Science and Technology (ROST) to European Union, was created in 2005, having the goal to strengthen the Romanian participation in the ERA. ROST belongs to the National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, the research department of the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research. The ROST mission is: to promote the efficient participation of the Romanian research community in the EU R&D programmes; to introduce Romanian research, development and innovation policies and the scientific and technologic potential to the organizations concerned; to support and promote the co-operation between the industrial and service companies, universities and research institutes, in order to participate in European R&D consortia; to stimulate the setting-up of interest groups at the European level, by focusing on the existent competencies at the national level, in order to increase their chances to participate in European projects/programmes.
During the visit Dr. Rusu discussed with Iulia Mihail the ROST director, several aspects related to potential partners and dissemination/promotion of the SupraChem Lab Group. Dr. Rusu promised that the SupraChem Lab team will try to get involved in the preparation of the next Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE) Conference that will be organised in Iasi, Romania under the Presidency of the EU Council. With this occasion Dr Rusu also had the chance to discuss with Dr. Virginia Enache the Romanian delegate for research and innovation to the Romanian Mission in Brussels and Cristina Anania the Romanian Legal and Financial National Contact Point..
Participation to Second Edition of Widening Days:
Brussels, Belgium
Dr Mariana Pinteala (SupraChem Lab Project Coordinator) and Dr. Teodora Rusu (the SupraChem Lab Manager) have participate on the 16.10.2018 to the Widening Days, event organized by DG R&I together with REA, event that brought together coordinators from ERA CHAIRS (FP7 and Horizon 2020), TWINNING and TEAMING (phase 2) from all over Europe in the aim to create a WIDENING COMMUNITY. The meeting was a perfect occasion to exchange best practices; share challenges experiences and how to address them. The idea to develop a Widening Community able to raise visibility and reputation of the organisations involved, creating recognised branding for the actions. The meeting was an open forum for all stakeholders directly involved in the projects and a perfect opportunity for networking between the projects beneficiaries. It was also a very good opportunity to better understand the strategy of the ERA CHAIR projects and the expectations that a ERA CHAIR holder has to face.
Both Dr Pinteala and Dr. Rusu have made valuable connections with other ERA CHAIR projects and have also gained information concerning other financial opportunities offered by the Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Priority in Horizon 2020.
Participation at Joint Romanian-Hungarian Cluster Conference 2018 Bridging countries. Reaching Europe Oradea Romania,
Debrecen Ungaria
20 – 22.11.2018
Bridging countries. Reaching Europe Joint Romanian-Hungarian Cluster Conference 2018 is first European cluster event kicking off the “European Cluster Weeks” initiative, the 3 days conference co-organised by the Hungarian Ministry of Finance and the Romanian Cluster Association (CLUSTERO) and supported by the INTERREG Europe CLUSTERIX2.0 project invites cluster experts and practitioners to a lively debate on relevant topics such as sustainable business models, cluster support tools, the role of universities, of the Y generation and of the start-ups. The rationale behind the joint conference is to bridge the cluster success stories of two neighbouring Eastern European countries which have followed different paths towards reaching the same result - the establishment of a competitive and sustainable cluster landscape – that now needs to be scaled up within the wider European perspective. he Romanian Cluster The event enjoys the presence of eminent representatives of European organizations, national and international clusters, research institutes, universities, companies, renowned experts.
The SupraChem lab team was represented by Dr. Luminita Marin, who visited the SCANOMED Medical and Health Science Center of Debrecen University and the Institute for Nuclear Research, both involved in the PHARMAPOLIS cluster. She discussions with colleagues from SCANOMED about the opportunity of a scientific collaboration for in vivo testing of new forms obtained in our research group. She also discussed the possibility of accessing European funds together in order to develop common research topics. With the Hungarian colleagues from the Institute for Nuclear Research, she got to know the research fields developed by them and discussed the possibility of training young people in the field of radiolabelling, the use of isotopic quantification analyzes in practical applications of environmental protection and especially in the purification of radioactive contaminated soils.
Participation to Networking Visit at the Romanian Office for Science and Technology,
Brussels, Belgium
Dr. Teodora Rusu SupraChem Lab Project manager made a networking visit to the Romanian Office for Science and Technology (ROST) Brussels 13.06.2019. ROST was created in 2005, having the goal to strengthen the Romanian participation in the ERA. ROST belongs to the National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, the research department of the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research.
The collaboration between the SupraChem Lab Management Team and the ROST representant aims in promoting group both to the Romanian research community and to international collaborators.
During this meeting Dr. Teodora Rusu have discussed with Iulia Mihail Director of ROST and Dr. Dorina Iosipescu Detached expert to ROST from the Technical University Iasi aspects related to the local organisation of two side events of the of the Xth Conference Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE) 2019 who was organised in Iasi during the Romanian Presidency of the European Council:
- Workshop: New opportunities for collaboration between actors of the regional innovation ecosystems. Fostering regional capacities and territorial development
- INFODAY on the Spreading Excellence Calls of H2020
During the visit Dr. Rusu also discussed with Iulia Mihail the ROST director, several aspects related to potential partners and dissemination/promotion of the SupraChem Lab Group. Using the opportunity of the IGLO consortium were ROST is full member.
Participation to 10th edition of Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE X) 2019
Iasi, Romania
27 - 28.06.2019
Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE) is the main European policy forum for innovation and regional development. The aim of this conference is to provide a platform for policy makers, public authorities, knowledge centers and enterprises from all over Europe to discuss R&I practices, challenges and opportunities throughout the European regions, with a direct view on the current and future EU funding programs.
The general objectives of WIRE X are the following: to substantially contribute to research, innovation and regional development policies; to better position regional actors in order to enhance policy formation for effective innovative regional development; to contribute effectively to the future of Europe when it comes to integrative policies, european added value and real interregional cooperation and co-investments. Being the last event dedicated to research and innovation in the calendar of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the event gathered over 270 participants from 33 countries, representing universities, research and innovation centers, clusters ministries and governmental bodies, regional development organizations, entrepreneurs and professional associations.
Representing the European Commission, special guest to this event:
- Mrs. Signe Ratso, Deputy Director General, Directorate General for Research Innovation, that mentioned the SupraChem Lab project and the strategic impact of the new group in the academic environment of Romania
- Magda de Carli Head of Unit, Directorate General Research, Technology and Innovation, European Commission related to Horizon Europe programme that will offer new possibilities for synergies with Cohesion policy, allowing to combine different sources of EU funding
- Joao Albuquerque Silva Policy Officer, Directorate General Research, Technology and Innovation, European Commission who made an overview on the next eu research & innovation investment programme (2021 – 2027)
Focused on three imperatives: explore, create and innovate, WIRE X 2019 encourages knowledge exchange and the quest for practical solutions for smart and sustainable economic transformation through research and innovation. The conference goes along the path from regional excellence to European and global value chains, seeking for synergies between societal needs and R&I agenda, and among financial instruments, knowledge and entrepreneurship.
Prof. Marc Abadie, Dr. Mariana Pinteala, Dr. Teodora Rusu and Dr. Radu Rusu participate on behalf of the SupraChem Lab project.

Networking visit at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Leuven, Belgium
12 -15.09.2019
Dr. Teodora Rusu participate in Leuven to two networking meeting organised at Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven:
- 13.09.2019 Networking meetings organized in the framework of the European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS), from 8-13 September 2019 KU Leuven. The annual ECIS Conference brings together participants from the broad, interdisciplinary field of colloid and interface science, including chemists, physicists, biologists and engineers. Networking with both old and new colleagues are related to topics covering fundamental and applied advances in the fields of dispersed systems, nanoparticles, self-assembly and supramolecular systems, as well as wetting and liquid interfaces. In addition, advances in theory, simulation, and instrumentation including new analytical techniques will be discussed.
- 14.09.2019 participation to European Society for Research of Women Conference that aimed to investigate how the categories of religion, gender, and race intersect in productions of social in/visibility. During the conference it was analysed how communities and traditions function as regimes of in/visibility, gendering, racialization and religionization that give shape to social regimes of in/visibility, and we will explore how religious symbols are used as resources to produce or contest social visibility, invisibility or hypervisibility.
- 15.09.2019 networking visit to Romanian Office for Science and Technology were Dr. Rusu participate to the joint meeting ROST and Moldavian Office for Science and Technology.
Participation to SMART REGIONS 3.0 Conference
Brussels, Belgium 14 -15.11.2019
Dr. Teodora Rusu have participated to Smart Regions 3.0 Conference - Transformation through Smart Specialisation
The Conference addresses to changes in climate, technology, and demography that are transforming our societies and way of life. Europe must lead the transition to a healthy planet and a new digital world. The Smart Regions conference represented a good occasion to strengthen the links between people, nations, and institutions. Between expectations and delivery of smart specialization strategies. Between words and deeds. People of Europe who design, implement and master regional economic development through innovation have discuss where and how it makes sense for public authorities to act, leaving European, national, regional and local actors to deliver where they are best placed to do so. The conference focused on three topics:
• Boosting innovation-led growth in the EU industrial transition regions
• Supporting the catching up EU regions to close the innovation gap
• Integrating regional economies in the global value chains
The Conference provided the opportunity to national and regional authorities to share experience on how smart specialization strategies have been implemented, present projects financed and discuss impacts on the ground. As well as highlighting best practice and lessons learned, there will be an opportunity to debate the future of innovation in the context of European regional development with representatives from the European institutions and national and regional governments. The conclusions of the discussion will be an important contribution to the implementation of post-20202 Cohesion Policy
Participation in networking events
Networking visit to Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP), “Horia Hulubei” National Institute for Research and Development in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest Romania (IFIN HH), Bucharest Romania, December 12, 2017
ELI-NP Resarch Infrastructure is going to be the most advanced research facility in the world focusing on the study of photonuclear physics and its applications, comprising a very high intensity laser of two 10PW ultra-short pulse lasers and the most brilliant tunable gamma-ray beam. This unique experimental combination will enable ELI-NP to tackle a wide range of research topics in fundamental physics, nuclear physics and astrophysics, and also applied research in materials science, management of nuclear materials and life sciences. ELI-NP has been selected by the most important science committees in Nuclear Physics in Europe - NuPECC - in the Nuclear Physics Long Range Plan in Europe as a major facility.
This infrastructure will create a new European laboratory with a broad range of science covering frontier fundamental physics, new nuclear physics and astrophysics as well as applications in nuclear materials, radioactive waste management, material science and life sciences. The SupraChem Lab team will collaborate with the ELI NP project in the field of Materials in Extreme Radiation Environments. In this experimental area, the study of materials behaviour in extreme radiation environments will be the main topic, with the goal of developing industrial and societal applications. The foreseen studies are relevant for the understanding of: (a) The structural materials degradation in next generation of particle accelerators and of fusion or fission energy reactors; (b) The interaction of biological systems with tunable multi-component radiation with wide energy spectrum, with relevance for improving biologic radioprotection in space missions, and for cancer radiotherapy.
On 12.12.2017 Dr. Adina Coroaba and Dr. Dragos Peptanariu made a working visit to IFIN HH in order to set up a detailed work plan of collaboration between SupraChem Lab Project and ELI- NP. They discussed with Dr. Paul Vasos, Dr. Mariana Bobeica, Dr. Vasile Nastasa and Dr. Theodor Asavei. Dr. Adina Coroaba and Dr. Dragos Peptanariu gave them 3 samples synthesized by the members from SupraChem Lab project: gold nanoparticles stabilized with sodium citrate, fullerene and cyclic siloxane functionalized with . These samples will be used for different studies and investigations (radiotherapy, radioisotopes marking etc.) by the members from the ELI-NP platform.

Networking and integration activities in cooperation with the
Romanian North East Regional Development Agency