The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union's Horizon
2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 667387

SupraChem Lab
Laboratory of Supramolecular Chemistry for Adaptive Delivery Systems
ERA Chair initiative

Considering the “P Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (PPIMC) development strategy and also the research challenges in the Romanian Smart Specialisation Strategy as well as the Horizon 2020 objectives it is vital to set up an optimal research team for the IntelCentre able to improve the excellence of the centre within PPIMC and in the European research and innovation landscape. It is very important to adjust the level of research carried out in the IntelCentre to the level of leading international laboratories and to position the Centre as forefront of Romanian research in this area.

The strategic objective of the SupraChem Lab Project is to unlock and foster excellent research in PPIMC IntelCentre by setting up a strong research group in the field of hybrid materials for adaptive self-organized supramolecular structures.

To attempt this ambitious goal, a coherent Action Plan with 10 specific objectives has been defined. Table 1 presents this Action Plan of implementation of the SupraChem Lab project in terms of objectives and activities foreseen in order to fulfil them and the delivery time that have been associated to them. 










To organise the selection and recruitment of the ERA CHAIR


   - prepare the recruitment procedure;
- start the selection procedure;
- select the ERA CHAIR;
- employment procedure for the ERA CHAIR.





To establish a coherent  Scientific & Management Plan for the set up and the organization of the SupraChem Lab group

The Scientific & Management Plan of  SupraChem Lab group will contain:
- activities in agreement to the ERA objectives and Smart Specialization Strategy and Horizon 2020 targets;
- the SupraChem Lab group scientific topics;
- the administrative organization aspects of the SupraChem Lab group.



To organise the selection and recruitment for the SupraChem Lab group staff

- - prepare the recruitment procedure;
- start the selection procedure;
- select the new staff;
- employment procedure for the new staff.



To implement the SupraChem Lab  group in PPIMC IntelCentre

The ERA CHAIR will:
- coordinate the human and material resources of the SupraChem Lab group;
- plan and start the scientific research to be performed by the SupraChem Lab group.



To integrate the SupraChem Lab group in PPIMC administrative and scientific structure

The scientific activity of the SupraChem Lab  group will be included in PPIMC scientific strategy/plan and approved by the Romanian Academy from the second year of implementation of the project.



To establish a long-term strategy for the SupraChem Lab group

- scientific objectives and challenges;
- networking objectives and challenges;
- founding challenges.



To monitor and support the implementation and integration of the SupraChem Lab  group into the European Research Area

The PPIMC Management Board in direct cooperation with different external authorities (i.e. International Advisory Board, etc.) will evaluate and monitor the results of the implementation of the SupraChem Lab  group and will apply contingency measures and coordination & synchronization measures during the whole duration of the Project and after the end of the Project in order to continuously adapt the profile of the group to the dynamics of the Institute and of the European Research Area.



To network and connect the SupraChem Lab group to the key actors in the field of innovative drug systems

Networking activities that aim to promote and increase the participation of SupraChem Lab group in European and international R&D programs and to enlarge and strengthen the already existing PPIMC Cooperation Network at regional/national and international levels in order to increase the participation in European and international RTD programs.



To disseminate SupraChem Lab project activities and results

A. Typical dissemination actions of the SupraChem Lab project activities and results.


B. Presentation of SupraChem Lab group results in order to promote the newly created PPIMC department.



To ensure the day-to-day management of the Project: reports, deliverables and milestones and Project audit

- day-to-day management activities;
- administrative & Financial management and reporting;
- reporting to the European Commission;
- monitoring the dissemination of Project achievements and results.
